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Really loved the concept and the art as well. Great job!


Amazing concept!

I also did this "At the start of the game, bunch of balanced blemmaye fight each other until you can afford some booster packs - after which you can go ham."

And on first pack got Siren and (forgot name) switch sides card. Game ending combo.

Maybe some kind of timer would help, ex incremental goals, need to reach Weight 10 before turn N, then reach Weight 20 before turn N*2 , etc

In any case, Great Innovative game, would love to talk about developing it further

Thanks so much for playing and for the comment!
You are right - there are definitely ways to "cheese" the game a little.
And you are not necessarily rewarded for taking risks.
I have considered adding incremental milestones to hit like the weight goals you describe or blood prices to be paid. Or disruptive unit spawns and spells (cast by other Gods) that could be telegraphed in advance similar to Slay the Spire's enemy intentions. But ultimately for this first version decided against it for time reasons and perhaps to keep it more casual.


All of these sound like a step in the right direction, but especially the disruptive actions of other Gods, seems like a perfect fit, mechanically and thematically, definitely the way to go! 

Any plans of implementation?

No concrete plans of implementation atm. We're discussing our options and where to go from here.


Well I'm really looking forward to it, thank you for an innovative experience, those are too few and far between .

I would love to help, but in the coding department I don't really have much skills, that's why I create my games for tabletop😅

But for game design and balance issues I'm all ears.

Good luck guys!


Amazing game!! Had a great time with it and would love to see it develop into a full fledged game


Really love the concept of battling on both sides. And the premis to create an "entertaining" fight for the roman/greek gods fits perfectly!


Incredible !


Tough game, but was pretty fun! You've got to really pay attention to your units, I won by trying to keep them healthy then dropping a few collosi

At the start of the game, I reccomend playing slow by having a bunch of balanced blemmaye fight each other until you can afford some booster packs - after which you can go ham.

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Pretty good strategy guide for new players too ;)


Could you make a downloadable version for PC, please?



It's amazing game 

Thanks for you

What do you do, if you've run out of cards & you can't afford more?

When you have no more cards in your draw pile then your discard pile is shuffled and becomes your draw pile.
If there are no units on one side and you have no options to play a unit onto that side, then it's game over.